Vacation Rentals in East Peoria

Vacation Rentals in East Peoria

Start comparing over 3 rentals in East Peoria and book at the best price!

Find Vacation Rentals in East Peoria

Prices and availability

Current Vacation rental prices East Peoria

$432for 2 Nov - 9 Nov
$370 annual average
Average price per week

Current vacation rental availability East Peoria

< 1%for 2 Nov - 9 Nov
22% annual average
Percentage of available rentals

FAQs: Vacation Rentals in East Peoria

How much did it cost for a vacation rental in East Peoria last year?

Last year, rentals in this destination had an annual average cost of around $856 per night.

During which months can you find the best price for vacation rentals in East Peoria?

If it is your aim to save as much as possible during your vacation to East Peoria, go there in February ($153 per night on average), January ($538), or March ($615), to find the lowest prices for the whole year.

During which months are vacation rentals more expensive in East Peoria?

Following the data observed last year, costs per night for accommodation here are usually higher, on average, during the months of May ($1071), July ($1034), and August ($1012).

Is East Peoria a good location for a last-minute getaway?

It is better to plan ahead in East Peoria as only 12% of the properties are available throughout the year, following the data observed in the previous year.

When are more vacation rentals available?

The months that offer the most accommodation options are, on average, October (with an availability of 32%), January (28%), and September (26%), according to the trends observed in the prior year.

Are there many vacation rentals in East Peoria?

We have 40 rentals for you in East Peoria, provided by our 2 local and international partners.